Enrolment for the 2025/26 school year
Enrolment for the 1st grade for the 2025/26 school year will take place from 1 to 30 April 2025, more detailed information (e.g. number of free places) will be published on the website during February.
Information for parents who think about the postponement of the compulsory school attendance for their children:
If a child is not adequately developed, physically or mentally, and if his/her legal representative files a written request during the enrolment period (1–30 April 2025), the school’s headmaster will postpone the beginning of the compulsory school attendance by one school year, provided the application is documented with the recommendation of a relevant school counselling facility and specialist doctor or clinical psychologist. The beginning of the compulsory school attendance may be postponed till the beginning of the school year in which the child turns 8 years of age at the latest.
The enrolment process in primary schools
School catchment area
The child’s place of permanent residence is decisive in determining the school catchment area
(according to Section 36 para 5 of the Education Act).
You can find the school catchment area for a child’s permanent residence in the GIS application.
Up-to-date data will be available in the GIS application on March 10, 2025.
Upozorňujeme, že v průběhu přijímacího řízení budou data nadále průběžně aktualizována.
Věk dítěte | Přihlášených dětí | Z města Brna | Ve spádové škole | Mimo město |
8letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
7letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
6letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
5letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
Celkem dětí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
Poznámka: počet dětí celkem ( přijatých dětí / nepřijatých dětí / přijatých na jiné škole )
Objectives of this project
- online information for parents on the admission/non-admission of their child,
- simplify the administration for schools,
- find out if the child was admitted to more schools,
- find out information on children that have not been enrolled,
- feedback for the city, school founders, and other cooperating institutions.
How to prepare?
Using the Edge, Firefox, Safari or Chrome internet browser is recommended for smooth issuing of an application. JavaScript needs to be enabled and cookies allowed.
It is necessary to have a PDF file reader, e.g. Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader.
Health insurance number
A citizen of the Czech Republic or another state of EU/EEA/Switzerland has a health insurance card which contains the health insurance number (item 6) needed for the primary school admission procedure.
A child – foreign national from a country other than EU/EEA/Switzerland can have a similar green card that Czech health insurance companies issue to their insured persons. This card also contains the health insurance number.