Information for foreigners
Enrolment in the 1st grade of primary education [pdf]
The official language of instruction in state basic schools is Czech.
Basic education is compulsory from the beginning of the school year that follows a day, in which a child reaches his or her sixth year of age.
When filing an application, responsible personnel of the basic school are entitled to require an identification document of the child as well as that of the child´s legal representative, and a document of the child´s place of residence*.
* In case of foreigners these issues fall within the competence of the regional offices of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (e.g. authorization of residence, cancellation of information on the place of registered residence upon a proposal of a building´s owner, providing of information from the information system of foreigners, providing of information on foreigners registered for residence in a building at the request of a building´s owner).
Contact details of the regional office in Brno:
Address: Brno, Tuřanka 1554/115b
Phone number: 974 801 801
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm,
Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The card you will receive from this office must be arranged not just for the parents but also for the child you want to enrol at the basic school. Do not leave the arranging of the documents to the last minute since these are administrative proceedings that may last up to thirty days.
If necessary, contact:
Centre for foreigners JMK/ Poradna pro cizince
Mezírka 1
602 00 Brno